
The midterm Evaluation WHO-Royal Thai Government Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) 2022-2026
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ยุทธศาสตร์ ที่ตรงกับโครงการวิจัย
กันยายน 2567 ถึง ธันวาคม 2567
อีเมล/เบอร์โทรศัพท์ ติดต่อ

  • 1) Performance Review: To evaluate the progress and overall performance of the CCS approach/system as of 30 June 2024 with a focus on outputs and intended outcomes generating intended impacts. 

  • The review will include a detailed evaluation at the program level, examining management targets, success factors, and technical issues, alongside an overall assessment of the CCS. Additionally, the evaluation will consider synergies and common issues across the entire CCS, including governance  and the dynamics of collaboration among agencies and organizations. The process will be guided by the UN Evaluation Group and OECD-DAC criteria, including relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, orientation toward impact, and sustainability. A results-based management approach will be employed to understand the factors influencing progress, with a commitment to inclusivity, participation, and respect for all stakeholders. The evaluation will adhere to a strict ethical code of conduct, ensuring integrity, transparency, confidentiality, and impartiality throughout the process.

  • 2) Strategic Recommendations: To synthesize findings and deliver high-level strategic recommendations that contribute to a detailed CCS improvement plan for the rest of the period. 

  • This will involve risk assessment and risk mitigation measures, where necessary, to ensure planned activities are on track and any unresolved issues at the mid-point are effectively managed. 

  • 3) Guidance and Communication Tools: To analyze and document findings, transforming them into practical guidance and communication tools. 

  • This will include recommendations for the development of a comprehensive CCS communications improvement or action plan including a set of recommended social network service (SNS) materials designed to enhance interactions within and between programs, contributing agencies, CCS entities, and external audiences such as civil society and the public. The plan and materials will be tailored to effectively communicate key messages to target audiences, including policymakers, senior officials, beneficiaries, and international partners, ensuring the findings are widely understood and actionable.

1. Comprehensive CCS Mid-Term Review Technical Report:

A detailed technical report that thoroughly documents the findings, analysis, and recommendations derived from the review process. This report will serve as the primary reference document for understanding the current status and future direction of the CCS.

2. High-Level Executive Summary/Stand-Alone Briefing Notes:

A concise executive summary and stand-alone briefing notes tailored for multiple audiences, including senior leadership, stakeholders, and partners. These summaries will distill the key insights and strategic recommendations from the review, facilitating quick understanding and decision-making.

3. CCS Communications Improvement or Action Plan:

A targeted action plan designed to enhance communication within the CCS. This will include a set of social network service (SNS) materials such as YouTube/TikTok videos, infographics, snapshots, success stories, and other materials that effectively convey key messages and improve stakeholder engagement.

อยู่ในกลุ่มวิจัยหลัก (Cluster)
ประชากร สิ่งแวดล้อม และสุขภาพ

โครงการอยู่ในกลุ่มวิจัยรอง (Cluster)
SDGs หลักที่สอดคล้องกับกิจกรรมของโครงการวิจัย
Good Health and Well-being

SDGs อื่นๆ ที่สอดคล้องกับกิจกรรม
Gender Equality
Reduced Inequalities

www.ipsr.mahidol.ac.th - Revised: 28 สิงหาคม 2567
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โทรศัพท์ 02-441-0201-4 โทรสาร 02-441-9333 Web master : prwww@mahidol.ac.th